Materia Frog Pond presents

Hot Frog Summer Art Party

Join us for a pool party to kick off the Summer season!Date: Sunday 3 December, 7PM-10PM AEDTTheme: Pool partyLocation: Goblet Ward 10 - Plot 19, Zurvan
(The Brimming Heart teleport)


Schedule7 - 9PM : Art making!
9PM ~ : Mini game, Glamour competition

A collaborative drawing board will be available for everyone to draw on!
Link will be provided on the night.
Please keep things PG-13 - inappropriate drawings will be removed.

Materia Frog Pond's
Next Top Model

Do you have what it takes to be Materia Frog Pond's Next Top Model?
Put on your best glam, strut your stuff, satisfy the judge's demands, and take home the title and spoils!
The glamour contest will take place after the mini game is done.

Prizes will be awarded for best glamour in the following categories:
Down Under Summer ⭐
⭐ Highest UV Protection ⭐
⭐ Poolside Frog
Each winner will get 2 million gil, a cool frog, and some summer essentials!

You can pre-register to enter by sending a /tell to Materia Frog Pond staff during the art party - staff will have 'Looking to Meld Materia' status. Pre-registration is not necessary to enter but it helps us run things smoother! Just line up with the other entrants when called.
The Toad Head is not required to enter the competition but there is a special category for those that do 🐸

what is an art party?

An art party is exactly as the name says; Draw, gpose, or express yourself through other creative means! It is an open invitation to use anyone at the party as your subject matter, so don't worry about having to ask permission if you're shy!Not an artist? We encourage everyone to try their hand at art - all skill levels are welcome! You're also free to come hang out - you might get drawn or your photo taken!

Share your creations on social media with the hashtag #frogpondartparty or on our Discord!

Gpose is more difficult outdoors than in an indoors setting.
Therefore we recommend setting status to 'Looking for Party' as an open invitation for others to invite you to a party without needing to ask, so they can take better pictures!

See you there!!!